The Salmon Farming Industry in Norway 2024
A thorough overview of the Norwegian salmon-farming companies.
yearly report
This annual benchmark report is based on the financial accounts of companies in the Norwegian salmon farming industry. It is one of our most sought-after reports, giving a thorough overview of the Norwegian salmon-farming companies. This report enables the reader to get a better understanding of each company’s performance and development, both compared to previous years and against industry competitors.
The report contains key production figures for the industry with useful commentaries explaining last year’s development for companies and the whole industry. Important production variables such as harvest quantity, harvest weights and other biological issues are presented on a macro level.
Each of the companies are analysed based on fiscal performance with focus on important performance indicators such as net sales, EBIT margins and EBIT/kg as well as company structure annotations. The salmon farming industry in Norway contains other elements as well, including costs, capex, harvest volumes and MAB utilization per company. Finally, there are separate segments covering Norwegian smolt producers and exporters.
The digital report is also available in Kontali Edge
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Filip Szczesny
Senior Financial Analyst